We are all about the brain. And still we can't figure out how we got here… what made us what we are. The more we advance in technology, the more we step back in knowing who we are. The more we create intricate inventions, the less we know about the intricacy of our own biology (look at all the new diseases). Nevertheless, all that matters is that we are walking bone boxes covered with nerves and muscles and filled with meat. In constant evolution.
And there is the brain, believed to be responsible for the same evolution, bringing up the idea that with it we can actually be more than just a meaty carcass. The brain is the boss, the commander of a productive movement factory who’s goal is to survive through a bunch of simple actions such as feeding, evacuating, and sleeping.
But the brain is tricky. It has soul.
And the soul is wily. The soul always wants more than she already has. So the soul tricks the brain into sabotaging the survival of the meaty carcass. The ungrateful soul works against the body that embraces her just so she can be free. And to keep her appealing-to-the-body look the soul disguises herself as many seductive characters and then she gives them fancy names like Esthetics... or Beauty... or Religion.
But the brain happens to have a secret, one that it made sure to keep from the soul. It has the ability to create its own fancy-named deceiving characters. The tricky brain called them Art... and Love... and Science. Now and then the tricky brain with its little doses of magical substances puts its characters into action making the body react and rebel against the mean soul.
The soul, really desperate, invents craziness, a humble form of freedom. And the brain, in revenge, invents the mental institution. And now the soul is trapped into the body which is trapped into the mental institution. Few outbreaks later the body created cancer and set itself free.
And thus mankind was totally sabotaged by its own nature. At the end of the day this is what we really are:
and nothing more.
I'm sorry, what? The brain? Oh! Yes, off course, I almost forgot. The brain was bottled for research purposes. And the soul bursts into laughter, insanely, up the long halls of any given mental hospital of the empty existence.

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